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Binding the Planetary Daemons - Things I've Learned January 17, 2009 @ 8:58 p.m.

I wanted to come back to this subject and update everyone on my progress
and results of working with Taphtartarat`. I received some very nice
feedback over private email, and I've discovered some very important
information that I think would be of great help to everyone who's

First, I discovered that having the Holy Guardian Angel/Augoeides on
your side is CRUCIAL to working with the planetary daemons. I did not
discover or feel the full effect of Taph's power the first time I evoked
him, perhaps because I had hermetically sealed myself against his
influence during the summoning. However, over time and with more casual
calling, I began to exhibit a number of negative symptoms that took me a
long time to recognize. They were all of a mercurial nature, and I feel
the reason they occurred was because of my remaining mercurial problems
and some unresolved issues leftover from my Abramelin ritual and
experience of my HGA. The planetary daemons are EXTREMELY POWERFUL and
will take advantage of whatever inch you give them to try to get free of
your authority and to generally fuck up your life for messing with them.
I don't feel that this is so much because they are "evil", but rather
because they are such potent forces that ANY avenue of your life that is
problematic and within their domain is literally up for grabs. You MUST
have a complete and continual divine connection when working with them.
I figured that since I had K&C of HGA I wouldn't need to rely on Tiriel
every time I wanted to work with Taph. The drawback with that has been
that anything mercurial I hadn't resolved with my Angel fell prey to
Taphtartarat`s chaos, and I DO MEAN CHAOS. In the long run, Taph has
forced me to develop an even deeper relationship with my Angel - one of
merging in communion. God often lets the demons run around and have some
fun if He knows we'll learn something from the experience. Please take
my advice and take the proper precautions each and every time you work
with Fire.

Second, my suspicion that both my calling and problems with Taph were
related to the retrograde Mercury in my natal chart have been thoroughly
confirmed. I imagine that someone who was born with Mercury direct would
probably have a much easier time handling him. Nonetheless, I want to
encourage all magicians who have a retrograde planet in their chart to
undertake this work to bind and control YOUR planetary daemon. For
example, I know of a mage or five that have serious martial issues, and
I suspect they were born under Mars retrograde. I am sure that with the
help of their HGA and Graphiel, they would profit TREMENDOUSLY from work
with the daemon Barzabel. This work is probably the most difficult, but
its also the most rewarding.

Confronting and overcoming the things that Taph has brought to my attention, for example, has allowed me to
overcome problems that have been plaguing me almost my entire life. Its
brought about a new sense of pride, humility, clarity, eloquence,
confidence, patience, and personal power, just to name a few things. It
has helped me to overcome shame, arrogance, miscommunication and
misunderstanding, mental disease, and obsessive thinking. The power of
my magic has also increased at least a hundred fold because of this.

Third and lastly, don't expect spirits to fall in line completely once
you bind them. Abraham warns that that they will try to get free of
their obligations and wreak havoc on your life, and I've learned that to
be very true. "THEY BE NOT LITTLE PET DOGS"! This shouldn't be a cause
for paranoia, but rather just caution and pragmatism. You have to train
the spirits to trust and obey you, and while you are doing this they
will test their limits just like any animal or even a child would do.
The interesting thing though, is that over time, as you continue to
discipline them and yourself and learn from your mistakes, they actually
begin to respect you and even like you. Once they start to learn that
you can offer them a chance to participate in the world, albeit
positively, they want to take that opportunity. This can lead to the
highest and most exalted form of goetia, which is actually participating
in and facilitating their redemption. Don't get cocky though - if you
are honored and privileged enough to make it that far in the Art, it is
by the Grace of God and the Consciousness of Christ, and happens in
spite of you generally more often than because of you.

That's all for now - thanks everyone! :)

"Details in the Fabric" - May 31, 2009
Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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