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Magical tips April 1, 2009 @ 2:03 p.m.


Usually when I am doing spellwork for (or on) someone, I will observe them and check in on them to see what is happening in their life. I learned a "rule of 3" from one of my mentors - check up on them after three days, three weeks, and three months. You can generally tell how the spell is going based on those intervals - if nothing has happened after three weeks, you can do more spellwork, but after three months, it wasn't meant to be. You can also use divination methods like cards or dice or shells to see how things are or have been proceeding. If you are using candles as a medium, the classic method is to observe the way the flame burns down through the candle and whether or not it burns to completion, makes a mess, etc.

When you are using the crystal, don't try to force vision to come. Just relax and gaze in the direction of the stone - almost as if you are looking through it. Pay attention to whatever you are feeling or thinking when you do so. The visions don't always appear in the stone for everyone - sometimes they will appear in your mind as daydreams and such, or your thoughts or emotions will suddenly swerve in an abnormal way.

I know how to work with images. Its pretty simple. You just want to create as sympathetic a representation as possible - ie, a doll that has the same features as your target. A little bit of hair or blood or semen, or a personal item or effect if you can't get that, makes for a strong connection. If you know astrology, you can also try to match the doll's timing with your target's, or anoint them with a suitable astrological oil to represent their sign. When you make up the doll, you magically "name" it as your target and declare that it will stand for him or her and everything that happens to the doll will happen to your target. That's the basics.

The seals are not difficult to use. Its best to make your own copy, as this personalizes it, but either way you should anoint it with a suitable oil and consecrate it ceremonially with prayer and incense and such. Seals are kind of like computer programs - they are inert in themselves but if you "turn them on" and call out to the entities they connect to, they will begin to "run the program".


"Details in the Fabric" - May 31, 2009
Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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